Marioleni "Lena" Mandelis
“I believe you cannot take anybody
where you have not been yourself.”
I moved to Syracuse, NY from Athens, Greece when I was 5. Greek was my first language and I continue my Greek fluency. As the daughter of Greek immigrants who did not speak much English, I helped my parents with all things financial starting when I was 8 years old - yes 8.
I started my own financial planning firm in January 1988 - Mandelis & Associates. I am grateful for having met my business partner, Alan Ioffredo and co-founding ALENA Wealth LLC with Alan in 2008.
I am passionate about helping people awaken to how their money can serve their life and LIVE with JOY. I believe in encouraging others to have ALL their affairs in order so they may dwell in peace and contentment.
I use my training and personal experiences from a wide range of areas (from financial and beyond) to inspire clients. I believe you cannot take anybody where you have not been yourself. I relentlessly explore new frontiers in my professional, emotional and spiritual growth.
I live in Weston, Massachusettts, USA with my husband, Mark, our son, Ari and the many wild animals that frequently visit our back yard.
Click below to watch Lena featured in the Human Finance Project.